The opening spread called “PROOF" features a photograph showing Texas Law's global influence

Table of Contents called “Docket"

Front section of the magazine is called "Opening Statements”

Single page column called “EXHIBIT” tells a story through an object

News article illustrated by Sam Kerr

Single page column highlights books and media by alumni and faculty

The “RECESS” spread highlights ten things Texas Lawyers are enjoying out of the office

Opener to a Q&A with Texas Law’s Dean Bobby Chesney

Back section of the magazine is called “Closing Arguments”

Q&A with alumnus Diane Brayton, senior executive with The New York Times

Story about Judge Harriet Murphy illustrated by Laura Salafia and the “FRAMED” department

The “FRAMED” page tells the stories of distinguished alumni displayed throughout the Texas Law building

“HEARSAY” by R. Fresson tells history tales about the law school with a graphic novel approach

Full spread department tells stories through infographics

Opener to "Class Notes" section in the back

Last spread in the magazine features a photograph close to campus