

Brand Identity

Brand identity for Akbank’s mass-market bank credit card.

Abkbank is one of Turkey’s most established and largest banks. It approached Pentagram to create an evolved identity for Axess, its mass-market credit card.

The existing Axess brand was muddled by the use of two logos, one for Akank’s physical cards and associated communications, and another for its digital banking and products. Pentagram was asked to design a new identity that centres around Akbank’s aspirational customers who are keen to succeed and progress in their lives. It was important for the identity to appeal to a broad target audience and have mass appeal, from affluent to low-mid income, and progressives to conservatives.

Pentagram's new identity centres around the Axess logo. This contains three vertical parallel lines between the ‘A’ and the ‘X’, these are taken from the three concentric circles used in a symbol in the previous brand identity. The previous symbol also used a triangle at the centre of the concentric rings—this triangle now appears in the negative space between the ‘A’ and the ‘X’.

The typeface Campton (by René Bieder) is used by Akbank, Axess and Wings. This is designed to create a subliminal link between the brands, and is implemented differently in each case to strike the appropriate tone for each audience. 

Axess’s typography is highly legible and friendly, and is often combined with graphic elements to add energy and emphasis to its messaging. Colourful illustrations add a welcoming element to the identity, and the set of simple graphic icons help with navigation and accessibility. A vibrant and energetic new colour palette reflects the progressive and spirited attitude of Axess’s prospective clientele, this is also reflected in the photography used throughout.

Pentagram has created a simple but aspirational brand identity for Axess that will appeal to its broad target audience while remaining both distinctive and different.

Banking & Finance
Brand Identity
Angus Hyland
Project team
Alice Murray
Alex Wright
Shirley Wang
Daniela Perez
Kate Heller
Lesley Hendersen
Federico Gaggio (strategy)
Claire Berthet (strategy)
Sophie Hayes (design)
Colm Larkin (tone of voice)
The Konfig Ltd (tone of voice)
Roger Taylor (artworking)
wmd&p (artworking)
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