

Brand Identity, Brand Strategy

Brand identity for the Brazilian digital bank.

Established in Brazil in 2013, Nubank is a digital bank that has completely disrupted the sector, growing from a challenger brand into a movement, and becoming the largest digital bank in the world. 

Born as a reaction to Brazil’s often absurd bureaucratic systems, in a market that charges the highest fees in the world, Nubank has built its reputation as an antidote to the country’s well-established and very traditional banks. Nubank offers its customers a fair and transparent service and communicates with them in a style that’s both frank and human. 

Over the past decade, the company has experienced stellar growth, helping more than 70 million people to take control of their financial lives. With expansion plans for other Latin American countries, and the potential to be much more than a bank, Pentagram partners Eddie Opara and Marina Willer and their teams in London and New York worked closely with the client to develop a powerful new brand identity for Nubank.

Working from different strategic scenarios, the teams worked together to create a new brand proposition that would enable the company to reach its ambitious goals and plans for continued growth.

The new brand identity features an evolution of Nubank’s previous mark, dropping the word ‘bank‘ to indicate this new type of business and way of banking. Staying true to its original intention, the mark evokes a new sense of playfulness but without any fuss. Simple and fluid, the mark shares its name with the word ‘Nu‘, which means ‘naked’ in Portuguese.

The mark is supported by a cleverly designed modular system that can include different content, enabling Nubank to become a broadcast platform that can grow as the business expands into other areas. The new brand language will also help the brand grow, enabling it to offer a broad range of solutions to its customers while supporting them in many different aspects of their life. Bold layouts, strong typography and natural-looking images of people are used throughout to convey Nubank’s positive and people-centered approach.   

While created to maximize impact on digital platforms, the new identity is flexible and adaptable, designed for use at multiple sizes, from banners to bank cards. The new identity retains the colour purple, which the company is famous for using (the cards are even nicknamed ‘roxinho), but expands the colour palette enabling the brand to be used across different sectors and audiences. The new colour palette emphasises the brand’s Latin American DNA, with vibrant colours inspired by the world of art, fashion and culture. 

Pentagram has created a new identity for Nubank which will help it on its mission to positively transform the relationship between people, money and society, cutting through complexity and offering a trustworthy option for its diverse customers in South America and beyond.

New York
Eddie Opara
Marina Willer
Project team
Pedro Mendes
Mary Kate Henry
Cleber de Campos
Dana Reginiano
Kate Blewett
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