
‘The Book of the Dog’

Book Design

A book stuffed with representations of man’s best friend in art from the nineteenth century to present day.

"Nothing but love has made the dog lose his wild freedom to become the servant of man." D.H. Lawrence

Society is obsessed with dogs, we love them in our homes, on YouTube and in art. The Book of the Dog by Pentagram partner Angus Hyland and writer Kendra Wilson is a book for the doggy inclined, showcasing canine art and illustrations from around the world. The book features all kinds of canines from mastiffs to retrievers to pugs, by all kinds of artists from Goya to Freud to Hockney.

The Book of the Dog explores the alternative to going native - living with humans. The book features a selection of dog images, from the nineteenth century to the present day, interspersing them with spiffy statements and short texts about the artists and different breeds.

Angus Hyland
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